What We Offer

Online workshops
Mindfulness meditation and breathwork is for everyone, whether it is a small kid or a seventy year old. Stress-related disorders have seeped into our lives incrementally in the past decade and are having serious effects on our daily well-being in ways more than one. We are witnessing greater burn-outs at the workplace, a significance increase in chaos in relationships and more broken homes, frequent visits to the hospital, and many more such issues.
The Urban Monk online workshops focus on stress identification, stress reduction, emotional stability, and breath harmony. These are short 3 hour workshops divided into 2 days of 1.5 hours each. It is worthwhile to enrol into one and make a life change.
Corporate Workshops
Corporate and businesses are stress-intensive environments as everyone is on his or her toes 24×7 to excel and to perform in order to create value, revenues, and customer satisfaction. According to Forbes magazine, “High levels of competition, new technological advances, demographic adjustments, political turbulence, volatility in financial markets and the consequences of a global pandemic all contribute to a radical growth in stress, propagating the requirement for new and innovative corporate solutions.”
It is not surprising therefore, that corporations like Google, Aetna, KPMG, Amazon, and many more, are incorporating meditation and mindfulness programs in their employee wellness initiatives. Research that a continuous activation of the amygdala, due to stressful trigger, shrinks the Pre-Frontal Cortex, the region of the brain responsible for creativity, attention span, memory, cognitive flexibility and much more. The Urban Monk provides programs for stress reduction and workplace happiness through various scientific and empirically proven techniques. It believes in the integration of the mind-body-spirit for boosting employee wellness and productivity.
(the online and physical mode is for both corporate and institution workshops)
The Urban Monk conducts short online sessions on weekly, fortnightly, or monthly basis through Zoom. These sessions can be customized as 15, 30, 45 minute intense classes.
Physical mode
The Urban Monk can tie up with companies and can conduct on-site or off-site sessions which can be integrated with other employee wellness program

Institution Workshops
Schools and other educational institutions too are opening up to meditation and yoga programs. It is alarming to see research point out that one out of every five children in the U.S. is facing anxiety and stress issues. The influx of various tech gadgets and the social media usage by children has given rise to severe Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD) and social anxiety issues among children. We, at The Urban Monk, have fun meditations which can help the child stay focused, calm, and be more emotionally stable.
(the online and physical mode is for both corporate and institution workshops)
The Urban Monk conducts short online sessions on weekly, fortnightly, or monthly basis through Zoom. These sessions can be customized as 15, 30, 45 minute intense classes.
Physical mode -
The Urban Monk can tie up with companies and can conduct on-site or off-site sessions which can be integrated with other employee wellness program
Studio classes
The Urban Monk studio is a unique boutique meditation studio located in the temple city of Bhubaneswar in the state of Odisha, India. Its purpose is to provide a harmonious mind-body-spirit strengthening system which will act like a holistic program to bring calm and happiness to people. The studio classes are designed to uplift your energy levels and create a beautiful peace in your mind to help you sail through the day. You can join in into the morning sessions to kick start your day or join in the evenings to unwind after a tiring day at work.
The studio also has a small cozy café inside for its members to sip in some nice soothing herbal teas and enjoy a small chat with fellow members or just pick a book from the studio library and make an enjoyable read.

Counselling Sessions
The Urban Monk offers counselling services to members and non-members to help them identity their real problems and show them possible paths to overcome those. Most life problems are multi-layered and to reach to the root cause of a disturbing issue needs a trained psychologist to see through the layers. We can help you in problems such as anxiety, panic attacks, fear psychosis, public speaking fear, teenage issues, relationship problems and more.